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Have a look around.  All these stories on "us" have been written by longtime

Bay Area Features Writer Jean Bartlett.

This site is being watched over by Lucy, Spirit and Birdie.

Lucy 2 closeup


Spirit Christmas 2014 closeup


Birdie 4A cropped



Interview with Pacifican Cindy Abbott, who stands for community, environment and art

Interview with Pacifican Allan Hale, who finds his life work in giving

Interview with Pacifican Julie Lancelle, champion of open space

Interview with Pacifican Michael Romano, businessman and writer of tales

Interview with Pacifican Jane Tollini, former penguin keeper at the SF Zoo

Interview with Pacifican Shirlee Gibbs, a tireless volunteer for her community

Interview with world-class, fingerstyle guitarist Mark Kostrzewa & introducing his new record

Andy Pappas 1930-2024 Pacifica's beloved Crab King

Pacifican Paul Slavin 1945-2022 Guardian of history, Keeper of community

Doretta Youngdahl 1922-2023 As this longtime Pacifican would say, she had the time of her life!

(An interview) Rock 'n' roll, R&B, funk, blues, 60s/70s pop ~ John Hall serves it all

A life of magical flute ~ An interview with Pacifican Gail Edwards

An interview with Alex Bootzin, the co-founder of Pacifica's Spindrift School of Performing Arts

An interview with bari sax player, "Pacifica Townie" Norm Dutton

An interview with Pacifica-based, guitar-great Jim Nichols

An interview with Pacifican Jean E. Brink, the worker bee behind the pool name at Oceana High School

Miller & O'Brien, a Pacifica history/success story since 1956

An interview with Pacifica's Manor Music owner and musician encourager Sarah Glew

An interview with Coastsider Steve Brown, who has lived and recorded the culture of his generation

Fredi Ware 1946-2021 This Pacifica educator was a fully committed student of people and the planet we live on

An interview with Horace Hinshaw, Pacifica's No. 1 Sports Fan

Planting kindness An interview-biography with Pacifican Marian Hinshaw

Honoring Angelo Zawaydeh Terra Nova graduate Iraq fallen

Honoring Bob Curry one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Honoring Jim Walker one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

An interview with the Hon. Quentin L. Kopp (Ret.)

Honoring Johnny White one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Honoring George Patterson one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Growing up Pacifican An interview with Deidra (Kennedy) Crow

Salada Beach Galen R. Hickok 1870-1938 Once owner of the Pacifica castle

Honoring Lawrence "Larry" Eugene Foster one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen.

Lydia Comerford Fahey 1883-1972 Early Sharp Park resident knew how to protect her land

Honoring James Stanley "Stan" Childers one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Dolly Fine Famous San Francisco Madam had Pacifica hideaway

Honoring George A. Cabano, Jr. one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Honoring Robert Compton, one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Honoring Medford Chrysler, one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Bill Drake (1921-2012) For three decades he was the Pacifica Tribune

Honoring David McKay, one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Interview Singer Tré Taylor, leading a "deliciously fun life"

Honoring Peter Premenko, one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Honoring John Premenko, one of Pacifica's Vietnam fallen

Interview with soprano and community supporter Clorinda Campagna

Ingrid B. Lacy (1931-1999) She inspired a middle school's name

Interview with musician, surrealist Steven Roark

Jean Fassler (1919-2018) Pacifica's first mayor

Sue Digre, citizen philanthropist, retires from Pacifica City Council

Interview with song stylist Morning Nichols, Pacifica Performances Artistic Director


BIOGRAPHIES (The Living Tales)

Pacifica Stories

U.S. Stories

BIOGRAPHIES (Those Who Have Gone Before Us)

General Biographies

Biography Specific to a Bay Area Cemetery

     Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma


BRIEFS (People, Businesses and Events) (Articles)






PORTRAITS & ROOTS ~ a journal about artists (Articles)

Musicians, Singers and Composers
Visual Artists - Calligraphy, Ceramics, Design, Drawing, Painting, Printmaking and Sculpture
Writers - Poets, Essayists, Storytellers...
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